Totally spaced on updating the copyright date on the site. Even though I had it fixed for all the videos. Got me thinking I should really have a date range from when we started, rather than than current year. So it’s changed now, not that anyone would notice.
Pinning Down the NaN Lives Glitch in AKR2
I’ve finally started working on version 1.11 of A Koopa’s Revenge 2. It’s mostly a glitch fix run. In fact, the update will be entirely unnoticeable to most players.
That said, I need help tracking down this one glitch. I think I’ve got it fixed, but with no reliable way to cause it, I can’t be sure. So I’m asking for any information that could help me trigger the glitch. If someone knows how to do it, that would be great.
(above picture fabricated) Click through for details
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 All Secret Exits Video
Another helpful video for those having trouble 100%ing (or 107%ing, or 105%ing (which is odd, not sure how that became a thing, maybe it’s a misconception)) Hope everyone can appreciate it. There’s more too come, but I haven’t decided what, so give me a suggestion.
And thanks for all the views I’m getting on the All Bosses vid. The response has been insane! Over an eighth of a million views and climbing.
This has been a Tuesday double dip. Two videos on the same day. This one, and Dick Sombrero & Balls Maloney: Private Investigators #2.
Dick & Balls Next Week
Next week, we shall finally be releasing a new comedy video. The one I teased on the end card of Procrasturbation months ago. Dick Sombrero & Balls Maloney: Private Investigators part 2 will soon be upon us.
Apologies for not getting it out for this week. It was supposed to come out on time for Tuesday, but we had to do a couple of days of filming. The good news is we’ve got three videos banked up now, including D&B:PI2. And we’re half done filming a another new sketch. We’re finally getting into gear.
There will also be some new gaming videos.
250 Subs! Games youtube channel has reached 250 subscribers! And it’s only going to get bigger. If anybody’s got any suggestions for the next video, let me know.
Also still open to input on AKR2. I’ll be doing one last round of updates when the game’s total views reach 500 000 (currently 457 490) so get your word in while there’s still time.
Promise this is the last subscriber celebrating post. At least until 1000 subs.
AKR2 Fan Art + Youtube Subs Update
Last week a fan posted the first ever (to my knowledge) AKR fan art. As seen above. Known as koopasrevenge on Deviantart. Check the profile, if you’re so inclined.
I’d like to see more fan art. So if you’ve made some, or are going to, show it to me and I’ll post it if you’d like.
Click through to read about youtube, leave a comment, or post a link to your fan art.
100 Subs!
I’m proud to announce our new youtube channel just passed 100 subscribers. Due largely to the popularity of the AKR2 All Bosses video, Games has seen a surge in views and watch time come to the channel. And I plan to follow it with even more videos of a similar nature.
This sets it on a course to overtake out other channel, Comedy 174 subs, within the next month. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but video games on youtube just works.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 All Koopaling Locations
If you were having trouble finding the Koopalings in AKR2, this is the video for you. As a follow up to our recent All Bosses video, we’re showing how to rescue all the Koopalings.
This will likely be followed up with more AKR2 videos. Such as All Secret Exits, and All Stage Warps. If there’s anything you want to see, leave a comment, or use out Contact Page to let me know.
Decade Old Games Released and the Dusty Shite Pirate
I got a comment about some of my older games not being on the site. So I decided to upload them. If you’re looking for greatness, look elsewhere. But if you’re looking to peer into the internet of 2004, or are interested in my earlier efforts in gamecrafting, have a look.
This is the first full game I ever made. A mishmash of different genres gleaned from tutorials.
This one’s a small scale adventure about collecting ingredients for a magical cheesecake.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Final Tweaks, input requested
I’ve decided to make one last round of revisions to AKR2. I found out you can get stuck behind the pipe in 1-5 with the new walljump physics, which isn’t exactly gamebreaking, but it’s a significant issue. So I’m going to need an update. Click through for more info.