A Koopa’s Revenge 3

AKR3 Idea Blog #5: Lives, or Not Lives?

AKR3 Idea Blog #5: Lives, or Not Lives?

Welcome to the fifth installment of the A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Idea Blogs, the series wherein I discuss ideas I have for AKR3 (Ideas that are not at all guaranteed to be used in the final game, and often explicitly stated not to). Last time, we discussed and dismissed the prospect of multiple alternate endings to the game. This week, we’re talking about lives and 1ups.

It’s about time we talked about lives. AKR1 and 2 had lives systems, but only because I was blindly copying existing Mario games without questioning them, and not because of a well thought out decision making process. Personally, I believe lives can be a good design choice, when used as a resource to manage for example. But a lot of games don’t use them and wouldn’t benefit from them if they did.

I must stress that ideas presented in these blogs are not guaranteed to be in the game when it’s finished. They’re often just thought experiments that I have no intention of acting on. Please Keep this in mind while reading.

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Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Early Playable Character Concept Art

AKR3 Playable Character Concept Art

Here’s a bit of concept art of the main four playable characters in A Koopa’s Revenge 3. I’m trying to get away from the generic hero of the previous two games and make some characters with their own identities. It’s very early in the development of the game, so all is subject to change. High res version on Newgrounds.

I haven’t been feeling productive trying to work on games lately, so I decided to change gears and do something more conceptual. Hope you like it.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #4: Multiple Endings

Last time on AKR3 Idea Blog we covered the Lakitu Shop. This week we’re doing a scrapped idea for multiple endings.

The idea is pretty simple. Based on some undisclosed factors the ending cutscene or possibly even the final boss would be different. Because the game will have multiple worlds you can play in any order like Super Mario Land 2, I was thinking the factor would be which world you completed last. That is, second to last, before the final world/level unlocked by beating all the others.

This is related to a story I’m no longer going to use. The scrapped story involved the Koopalings being mind controlled by an unknown entity, while Bowser is mysteriously missing once again. So the different endings would reveal who was responsible for that. Possibilities included Mario, Luigi, Sanic, and even Bowser himself.

And that would be kind of cool. But also potentially confusing. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Confusion can be part of the fun. But there are other reasons why I won’t be using it.

  1. It would be very difficult to make all the endings equal. With seven or so endings, some are sure to be duds.
  2. It’s a lot more work. Simply said.
  3. I want to do a different story. One that’s less derivative.

I won’t reveal too much about the new story, but I really like this angle. I call it:

A Koopa’s Revenge 3: Mutiny

And that’s all for now. Maybe check out the AKR3:FAQ I started.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 3 FAQ (Future Game) AKR3

ATTENTION: This post is outdated, please see A Koopa’s Revenge Official FAQ

A Koopa’s Revenge 3 isn’t out yet. It’s still in preproduction.

With that out of the way, I’ve decided to start up a little FAQ section on the game’s aspects and contents to far. This ca be used to catch anyone up on what’s been revealed so they can join in on the discussion, and also for anyone who’s just curious. I will abbreviate the games title to AKR3 frequently to avoid repetition.

For the record last updated: March 5, 2018.
Click through for the full FAQ.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #3: Lakitu Shop

Welcome to the third installment in the A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Idea Blog. The series where I describe ideas I have that could potentially be a part of the upcoming A Koopa’s Revenge 3. Last time we discussed how characters are affected differently by the same powerups. This week it’s somewhat related, the Lakitu Shop.

Coins aren’t just for extra lives (and flower faces) anymore. You can spend your collected coins at the friendly roving Lakitu Shop.

Lakitu bee, lakitu bop! Welcome to Lakitu Shop! Click through for more info on the Lakitu Shop.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #2: Characters and Powerups

Welcome to the second in a series of blogs wherein I discuss ideas for A Koopa’s Revenge 3. Last time we discussed a system of combining powerups. Today I’m presenting an alternate idea for powerups.

Unlike AKR2 which used player-character skins, in AKR3 each playable character will have slightly different physics and abilities, making them distinct from one another. For instance, Shy Guy will have low traction and higher jumps, like Luigi. I’m going to extend these differences to how each powerup affects each character.

Click through to see more about this idea.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #1: Combining Powerups

Welcome to a new series wherein I discuss and detail ideas for the upcoming A Koopa’s Revenge 3. First I’ll be talking about an idea I’m probably not going to use but I think is interesting anyway: combining of powerups.

The idea is pretty simple, at least as an idea. You take powerup A and combine it with powerup B to create powerup AB a la Kirby 64. powerup AB would combine the aspects of both powerups into one super powerup.

Click throught for more about this idea.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog