I’ve decided to make one last round of revisions to AKR2. I found out you can get stuck behind the pipe in 1-5 with the new walljump physics, which isn’t exactly gamebreaking, but it’s a significant issue. So I’m going to need an update. Click through for more info.
A Koopa’s Revenge
A game series in the style of Super Mario Bros. but with a role reversal theme. This was a big hit back in the far off year of 2006.
AKR2 All Bosses Video [SPOILERS]
Here’s the latest upload for Lambta.co Tuesday. It’s a video of all the Bosses in A Koopa’s Revenge 2. So, spoiler warning. Don’t watch if you don’t want the bosses spoiled. And try not to look at the thumb nail either.
I made this because whenever I type “A Koopa’s Revenge 2” into youtube’s searchbar, “A Koopa’s Revenge 2 All Bosses” comes up as the second autocomplete. I figure there’s an audience for this. I’m also considering doing some more videos for it. Possibly all exits, all stage warps, or all 3up moons. If you’d like to see any of those, let me know.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 v1.1 is Here!
At long last the update for AKR2 has arrived. Featuring new wall jump mechanics, baby kicking abilities, and more. For more details on what was changed, you can check out this post.
MCSM Studios is No More!
As of today, MCSM Studios, our old name, is no more. I’ve finally redirected the domain, and updated all necessary accounts. If you want to see our old site, once mcsmstudios.com, it’s archived here. It feels good to have this transition over with. Look forward to more from Lambta.co in the future.
As for why we made the change, that’s fairly simple. I was in the process of designing a new more square shaped logo for MCSM Studios, and while showing it to a friend, I realised that our name and logo are not memorable or marketable. We’ve always had trouble with people remembering out name, and light bulb logos are somewhat common, so we had to come up with a punchier, more memorable, name and logo. Thus Lambta.co was born.
I’ve also moved the old webcomic to a new location, lambta.co/wanrm. Give it a look if you’re so inclined.
My apologies to those who lost their AKR1 save files in the process. You can always cheat to get your progress back.
AKR2 v1.1 Ready for Testing
The much awaited update to AKR2 is done. But due to some changes to the mechanics it’s going to need some comprehensive testing before I can give it a wide release. I can’t do it alone (at least not very quickly) so I’ll need help testing. The preview is here.
:( DELAYS ):
Semi-bad news. There are going to be delays. Short version, I’ve spent most of my time in the past two weeks in bed with flu, and there have been other technical/financial issues. Which sucks because there’s a ton of stuff I wanted to have done or at least started by now. Enough with excuses, details to follow.
AKR2 v1.1 Devblag Entry 1 & Feedback Requested
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 has been out for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve received enough feedback to start working on some improvements. That is aside from the bug fixes and other small tweaks I’ve made up to this point in v1.05. But I’m still looking for more feedback, so leave a comment or send a message or whatever. Click through for more on A Koopa’s Revenge 2’s coming changes
Share A Koopa’s Revenge 2 v1.04
I’ve finally gotten around to uploading the shared version of AKR2, not that people haven’t been spreading it around anyway. You can find the downloadable version on the Host Our Games Page. Where you can also find sharable versions of our other games, like AKR1. So go ahead if run one of those websites that just hosts a ton o’ Flash games, add A Koopa’s Revenge 2 to your collection.
This is also version 1.04. I’ve been needing to fix little things about the game that have been pointed out since the Newgrounds release. (That’ll teach me to skip a public beta on a game of this scale.) Hopefully all the major bugs and mistakes are fixed, and this should be the last release until v1.1 sometime next month.
Click through for details on A Koopa’s Revenge 2 v1.1