I’ve separated the other people’s AKR2 videos playlists on youtube into two distinct lists, videos with commentary and videos without. Because I feel like they have somewhat different appeals. If you want to see some people playing the game. Check e’m out.
A Koopa’s Revenge
A game series in the style of Super Mario Bros. but with a role reversal theme. This was a big hit back in the far off year of 2006.
AKR2 All Powerups Video
Just in time for Lambta.co Tuesday, at least in my timezone. I would have had it out sooner but for three reasons: 1 I’m a procrastinator, 2 deadlines are more motivating, and 3 it takes forever to upload an HD video. I think I might have to change internet providers. My upload speed is pathetic.
Anyway, this is a video showcasing all the powerups of AKR2, as suggested by a viewer. Most of the videos for AKR2 have been guides, so I decided it was time to do one that was more of a hype video. Enjoy, y’all.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Music Collection
It’s long overdue, but here it is, a comprehensive list of all the music used in the game A Koopa’s Revenge 2. And if there are any errors, let me know. Without further adieu, bam!
AKR2 Completion Percentage & Glitch Fix
I’ve been mistakenly telling people the completion percentage for AKR2 was 107%. It’s actually 106%. Not sure how I got it in my head it was 107%; might have been from an earlier version of the game or something. I’ve dug into the code and I’m pretty sure it’s 106%, but if someone has 107% for some reason, let me know what that reason is.
For the record, it’s 106% and the game is totally done.
In related news, I fixed a small glitch that didn’t allow players to enter 5-1 by clicking on it, if they got there by beating 4-5. That is all.
AKR2 Alpha Gameplay Video
Thought I’d do something a little different for a change. Just to be clear this is NOT AKR3, it is an early alpha build of AKR2. The build is over 5 years old at this point. And what you see here is pretty much all there is to it.
AKR2 Gameplay Reuploads
Five of our old youtube videos for A Koopa’s Revenge 2 have been reuploaded. Reason being they were originally uploaded to our sole youtube channel, but the channel has since become our comedy channel, with a new one started for games related content. The old videos have been unlisted.
A Koopa’s Revenge v1.11 & Next Game
Click here to play the latest version of A Koopa’s Revenge 2!
It’s actually not that exciting because it’s entirely a bug fix release. But I’m fairly certain I’ve fixed the two remaining large glitches. Though no one was able to come up with a reliable way to trigger them.
Click through for details on AKR2 v1.11 and info on the next game.
Pinning Down the NaN Lives Glitch in AKR2
I’ve finally started working on version 1.11 of A Koopa’s Revenge 2. It’s mostly a glitch fix run. In fact, the update will be entirely unnoticeable to most players.
That said, I need help tracking down this one glitch. I think I’ve got it fixed, but with no reliable way to cause it, I can’t be sure. So I’m asking for any information that could help me trigger the glitch. If someone knows how to do it, that would be great.
(above picture fabricated) Click through for details
AKR2 Fan Art + Youtube Subs Update
Last week a fan posted the first ever (to my knowledge) AKR fan art. As seen above. Known as koopasrevenge on Deviantart. Check the profile, http://koopasrevenge.deviantart.com/ if you’re so inclined.
I’d like to see more fan art. So if you’ve made some, or are going to, show it to me and I’ll post it if you’d like.
Click through to read about youtube, leave a comment, or post a link to your fan art.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 All Koopaling Locations
If you were having trouble finding the Koopalings in AKR2, this is the video for you. As a follow up to our recent All Bosses video, we’re showing how to rescue all the Koopalings.
This will likely be followed up with more AKR2 videos. Such as All Secret Exits, and All Stage Warps. If there’s anything you want to see, leave a comment, or use out Contact Page to let me know.