Decided to do a surprise stream of AKR1. I haven’t played in ages, so it should be interesting.
It was interesting. But viewership kinda tanked when I started playing the Super Secret Level.
A game series in the style of Super Mario Bros. but with a role reversal theme. This was a big hit back in the far off year of 2006.
Decided to do a surprise stream of AKR1. I haven’t played in ages, so it should be interesting.
It was interesting. But viewership kinda tanked when I started playing the Super Secret Level.
Welcome to the third installment in the A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Idea Blog. The series where I describe ideas I have that could potentially be a part of the upcoming A Koopa’s Revenge 3. Last time we discussed how characters are affected differently by the same powerups. This week it’s somewhat related, the Lakitu Shop.
Coins aren’t just for extra lives (and flower faces) anymore. You can spend your collected coins at the friendly roving Lakitu Shop.
I’m doing a live stream to celebrate 10 000 subscribers for Lambtaco Games, and the release of AKR2 v2.0. It starts at noon PST (-7UTC) and ends at ??? Saturday September 23rd. Embed above. Head over to youtube to take part in the chat.
I’m still a pretty sick at the time of this writing, but hopefully I’ll be well enough to get through the stream.
Hope y’all can make it.
Here are all the standard powerups for the v2.0 build of A Koopa’s Revenge 2. I did something different than the version 1 All Powerups video. All the text is off to the side instead of interrupting the video. Plus you can see Goomba and Shy Guy’s forms in the same video.
I didn’t include the permanent powerups or the starman because they haven’t changed at all.
Happy Lambtaco Tuesday!
It’s about time I posted the changelog for the 2.0 update. I separated everything into ctegories to make it more digestible. If I missed anything feel free to let me know in a comment or email.
The long delayed update to A Koopa’s Revenge 2 is finally here:
The update includes: improved player control, better balanced powerups with new abilities, new skins for the bosses, new medals, a bunch of bug fixes, lots of new graphics, and more.
It’s been exactly three years since the game came out. I made a lot of compromises to get the game finished back then, and this update seeks to bring the game closer to my initial vision. I didn’t get everything in that I wanted, but I think the game is mechanically where it needs to be (minus any new bugs) and I’m proud of it. There will be a 2.1 update to fix any bugs that need testing, make some more graphical changes, and add an in-game medals display. That probably won’t be out for a while though. I’m all koopa’d out and I need a break, unless I need to do a hotfix.
I want to thank all the v2.0 beta testers, and even the people who just said one thing and then buggered off. Every bit helps. Special thanks to AmericaCaptitan, TelFy, and supersonic6411 for being such dedicated testers. Sorry if I got short with anybody these last few days, it’s been kinda stressful.
Changelog coming soon.
I’ve been toying with the idea for a while now, and I’m making it official. The game project previously known as A Koopa’s Revenge Anniversary Edition will now be called A Koopa’s Revenge Gold.
I missed the ten year anniversary, so I decided a name change was in order. Anniversary edition is a bit of a mouthful anyway. I want it big and sparkly and GOLD.
The logo is temporary. I’ll have a fancier, more refined logo when the game is done.
To celebrate Lambtaco Games reaching 10 000 subcribers and the release of A Koopa’s Revenge 2 version 2.0, I will be holding a livestream over on the youtubes.
The stream will begin at noon PST, or 19:00 UTC, on Saturday September 23rd, 2017.
During the stream I will be playing the new version of A Koopa’s Revenge 2, and answering questions both from the chat and pre-asked by fans who couldn’t make it to the stream.
The stream will be released as a regular video some time afterward so anyone can watch it.
That’s all for now, hope to see you on the stream.
New gameplay video! Shows off all the new boss skins I created for AKR2 v2.0 which comes out on Saturday. Woop!
Here’s a sneak peek of the long awaited update for A Koopa’s Revenge 2. This will be the last major update to AKR2. I mean it this time.
The update will include more balanced powerups, upgraded artwork, improved physics, new skins for the first five bosses, an import/export function for save files, and more. For a complete changelog, see this post on NG.
Speaking of Newgrounds, that’s where I’ll be conducting the beta testing. Anyone with a Newgrounds account can play the beta version, though there will be an annoying BETA plastered across the screen. Sorry about that. I just don’t want anybody scooping me on the videos. Anyway, I’m requiring an NG account to play because I figure letting literally anyone play it would be the same as releasing it outright. Just a little barrier to entry.