Games Blog

Lambtaco Games

A Koopa’s Revenge Gold Demo #3

A Koopa’s Revenge Demo #3

I uploaded another demo of A Koopa’s Revenge Gold. Link above.

It’s not a huge update. Much of the work went into making it 60fps, and accounting for the change. But two new levels are playable.

Notable Changes:

  • Framerate increased from 40fps to 60fps.
  • New (placeholder) map screen.
  • Entirely mouseless gameplay.
  • Prerendered some graphics to improve performance.
  • Backgrounds recoded and prerendered to be more efficient when scrolling.
  • Updated collision detection for terrain and blocks.
  • New and updated backgrounds.
  • Levels 2-2 and 3-1 are playable.
  • Mario babies changed to balloons.
  • Level-complete and death screens updated to chalkboard look. (Still incomplete)
  • Functioning warp pipes.
  • Player turning animation.
  • Framerate counter.
  • Feathers float down properly instead of acting like fireflowers.
  • Added four frames of coyote time.

Known bug: You can’t run over one-tile-wide gaps. I changed the collisions to accommodate the new framerate and fix some bugs, but this new bug appeared as a side effect. I will have it fixed for the next demo.

EDIT: I fixed that bug, and uploaded the fixed version of the demo.

Not looking for any specific feedback this time. Just felt like sharing. Feel free to Let’s Play or stream it, if you feel inclined.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Boss Rush Beta is Here

It’s been a long time coming, but I finally have the Boss Rush beta for A Koopa’s Revenge 2 up and running:

Click here to Play (computers only)

It’s still is an incomplete state, but it’s playable, and shouldn’t have any major glitches (the Boss Rush that is, the rest of the update is only halfish done). Sorry it took so long. The Boss Rush can be found in the crashed airship level, and you’ll need a save game that has beaten the secret final boss to access it. You can import mine:


I’m also in the midst of updating the rest of the game. Almost all the tilesets and backgrounds will be updated. I’ve already made a pass through the game evening out the difficulty curve, and fixing some of the unfair artificial difficulty bits. Still a bunch of work to do on that front though.

That’s all for now. Smell ya later.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 1 Alpha Prototype

I’ve dug up the ancient prototype versions of AKR1 from 2004/2005. For those of you on mobile, here’s a video of them:

For those on old people computers, here are the playable Flash versions:
Older Version Using Pixel Art
Newer Version Using Vector Art

There are two versions, one with pixel art borrowed from various games and no sfx, and another traced vector art based version that includes the first boss, Wario. Both versions are a lot clunkier than the published game and are presented in glorious 15 frames-per-second.

Why did I cancel this build and start over? Aside from the apparent clunkiness, the performance was terrible. Every block you see (including the ground blocks) is constantly running four different collisions against the player. That doesn’t sound like a big deal in current year, but back in 2005, when I scrapped it, the programming was painfully inefficient and it ran at even less than 15fps.

In other news, progress on A Koopa’s Revenge Gold continues. I’ve upgraded the game from 40fps to 60fps (long story) and am making progress on rebuilding the levels.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

Big 2019 Catchup Post

No nice way to say it, but this site has been kajiggered for about a year now. I couldn’t post anything. Details in previous post. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to share all the stuff I posted offsite in the past 12 months. So here we go.

Continue reading →
Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge Gold Movement Demo

After a few weeks of work, I finally have A Koopa’s Revenge Gold at about the same state of completion it was at when I first showed it off almost three years ago. But at least the tedious part is over.

I’ve got the first two levels mostly done, and at this point I’d like to get some feedback on Koopa’s movement before I get to far into development. I’m trying to strike a balance between the original game’s movement, and the ideal movement, so that it still feels like the same game, but not so dated.

Click through for the demo. (requires Flashplayer)

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Early Playable Character Concept Art

AKR3 Playable Character Concept Art

Here’s a bit of concept art of the main four playable characters in A Koopa’s Revenge 3. I’m trying to get away from the generic hero of the previous two games and make some characters with their own identities. It’s very early in the development of the game, so all is subject to change. High res version on Newgrounds.

I haven’t been feeling productive trying to work on games lately, so I decided to change gears and do something more conceptual. Hope you like it.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AVGN Game Overhaul and Name Change

I’ve decided to shift priority to the AVGN fan game. It’s too far along to restart in ActionScript3 (or another game engine) without losing too much work. So I need to get it finished before Adobe pulls the plug on Flashplayer in 2020.

The Graphics

Though I originally started this project thinking I could nick assets from old games to save time, I’ve come to realise it doesn’t really look like an NES game when you ignore all palette restrictions and other such limitations. And so I’m changing things to resemble actual NES restrictions, but not to entirely emulate them. There won’t be any sprite flicker for instance. I want it to look a bit more authentic than, say, Shovel Knight.



Click through for more.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog
Lambtaco Run Devblag #2

Lambtaco Run Devblag #2

Although initially discouraged after showing off my mascot based endless runner game, I recently started fiddling with it again. The feedback wasn’t negative per se; it just wasn’t useful in any obvious way. A lot of people were misunderstanding the genre of the game, but that makes sense considering how blind I wanted my feedback, and where most of it was coming from. Anyway, let’s talk about how that feedback has affected the game itself.

Click through to read more and play the updated demo.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog