Death of Flash

I am constantly asked questions about the so called “Death of Flash” and what I plan on doing about it. This is a one sentence question that requires several paragraphs to answer. But the short version is Flash content is going to be just fine. Right now, there are already functional archives and emulators you can use to play Flash games. As these resources continue to improve Flash content will be accessible and preserved for years to come.

If that answer doesn’t quell your worries, I’ve written a more detailed explanation so just keep on reading.

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Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

Video: 1-1 of AKR2 Recreated in Super Mario Maker 2

I recently recreated the first level of A Koopa’s Revenge 2 in Super Mario Maker 2. Video above for those who don’t have SMM2. Level code below for those who do. I won’t be making the full game in Mario Maker because it would be much too hard to recreate every aspect, and I’d rather spend my time making new things.

Level ID: 38V-4B5-W1H

Maker ID: VGP-928-S5G

That’s all, folks.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge Gold Demo #3

A Koopa’s Revenge Demo #3

I uploaded another demo of A Koopa’s Revenge Gold. Link above.

It’s not a huge update. Much of the work went into making it 60fps, and accounting for the change. But two new levels are playable.

Notable Changes:

  • Framerate increased from 40fps to 60fps.
  • New (placeholder) map screen.
  • Entirely mouseless gameplay.
  • Prerendered some graphics to improve performance.
  • Backgrounds recoded and prerendered to be more efficient when scrolling.
  • Updated collision detection for terrain and blocks.
  • New and updated backgrounds.
  • Levels 2-2 and 3-1 are playable.
  • Mario babies changed to balloons.
  • Level-complete and death screens updated to chalkboard look. (Still incomplete)
  • Functioning warp pipes.
  • Player turning animation.
  • Framerate counter.
  • Feathers float down properly instead of acting like fireflowers.
  • Added four frames of coyote time.

Known bug: You can’t run over one-tile-wide gaps. I changed the collisions to accommodate the new framerate and fix some bugs, but this new bug appeared as a side effect. I will have it fixed for the next demo.

EDIT: I fixed that bug, and uploaded the fixed version of the demo.

Not looking for any specific feedback this time. Just felt like sharing. Feel free to Let’s Play or stream it, if you feel inclined.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

My Old Webcomic Finds a New Home on Newgrounds & Changes Coming to

Almost ten years ago I briefly published a webcomic called We Are Not Role Models, or WANRM for short. It was an odd couple roommate thing, as was the style at the time.

My favourite WANRM.

Anyway, I’m moving that comic from it’s current location in a subdirectory of to the Art Portal on Newgrounds. (Potentially NSFW link. NG filters out the adults-only stuff automatically, but uploaders aren’t always accurate at rating their work.) I’ve separated it into arcs because posting all 70 comics individually feels spammy, and the Art Portal only allows 11 total images in each post.

We Are Not Role Models Arc 1 on Newgrounds

Now, in the unlikely event you’ve both heard of WANRM and read it, I have good news: There is new content. So to speak. I’ve amended each post with commentary. Little write-ups on what inspired the comic, and how I feel about it now. That sort of thing.

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Posted by Malinbo in Comedy Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Boss Rush Beta is Here

It’s been a long time coming, but I finally have the Boss Rush beta for A Koopa’s Revenge 2 up and running:

Click here to Play (computers only)

It’s still is an incomplete state, but it’s playable, and shouldn’t have any major glitches (the Boss Rush that is, the rest of the update is only halfish done). Sorry it took so long. The Boss Rush can be found in the crashed airship level, and you’ll need a save game that has beaten the secret final boss to access it. You can import mine:


I’m also in the midst of updating the rest of the game. Almost all the tilesets and backgrounds will be updated. I’ve already made a pass through the game evening out the difficulty curve, and fixing some of the unfair artificial difficulty bits. Still a bunch of work to do on that front though.

That’s all for now. Smell ya later.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 1 Alpha Prototype

I’ve dug up the ancient prototype versions of AKR1 from 2004/2005. For those of you on mobile, here’s a video of them:

For those on old people computers, here are the playable Flash versions:
Older Version Using Pixel Art
Newer Version Using Vector Art

There are two versions, one with pixel art borrowed from various games and no sfx, and another traced vector art based version that includes the first boss, Wario. Both versions are a lot clunkier than the published game and are presented in glorious 15 frames-per-second.

Why did I cancel this build and start over? Aside from the apparent clunkiness, the performance was terrible. Every block you see (including the ground blocks) is constantly running four different collisions against the player. That doesn’t sound like a big deal in current year, but back in 2005, when I scrapped it, the programming was painfully inefficient and it ran at even less than 15fps.

In other news, progress on A Koopa’s Revenge Gold continues. I’ve upgraded the game from 40fps to 60fps (long story) and am making progress on rebuilding the levels.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

Big 2019 Catchup Post

No nice way to say it, but this site has been kajiggered for about a year now. I couldn’t post anything. Details in previous post. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to share all the stuff I posted offsite in the past 12 months. So here we go.

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Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

The Site is Back at Full Functionality

I’ve been trying to keep it on the down low, but for a year now this site hasn’t been working properly. First the front page went down due to a memory cap error, but I managed to fix it. Then it happened again, and the backend also went out and I couldn’t log in. I tried in vane to fix it, spending hours googling, but was never able to get it back up and running.

Eventually I planned to remake the site from the ground up. But today a miracle happened. I got an email telling me the site was auto-updated to the latest version of WordPress, and it suddenly started working again. I don’t know if that was the cause per se, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Anyway, I should probably do a little more posting now. Those of you who don’t follow me on Newgrounds or use my Discord server might be a little out of the Lambtaco loop.

That’s all for now.

Posted by Malinbo in Other Blog