A Koopa’s Revenge

A game series in the style of Super Mario Bros. but with a role reversal theme. This was a big hit back in the far off year of 2006.

AKR2 Minmalist Run and Version 1.2 Update

Whilst perusing the tubes I found this video of someone beating A Koopa’s Revenge 2 without collecting much of anything. It’s also a segmented speedrun, though I don’t think that was the intention.

In related news, I finally got into building the save backup system for AKR2’s 1.2 update. It’s been a big pain, but it should be worth it. In the next update you will be able to save your game as a series of 229 numbers. This will allow transferring of saves between different websites, as well as backing up saves. I should be able to release a beta for version 1.2 as soon as I finish a few more things for it. This will be a pretty big update, I’m considering renaming it the 2.0 update.

That’s all for now.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

Lambtaco Games has 10 000 Subscribers! Celebrations!

The Lambtaco Games Youtube channel has reached it’s first significant milestone: 10 000 subscribers. While it doesn’t exactly put us in the major leagues, it’s a big step up from a few years ago when we had only a few hundred viewers. I made a video to celebrate, and I feel it shares my sentiments better than this write up can. It also shows off the remaining secrets I hadn’t revealed yet.

So, thanks for subscribing if you did. Maybe check out our other channel, Lambtaco Comedy. It’s pretty different, and more R-rated, but it’s approaching 5000 subscribers so we must be doing something right. Lastly, there should be more uploads forthcoming, on both channels. No promises, but I’ve got some ideas.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #2: Characters and Powerups

Welcome to the second in a series of blogs wherein I discuss ideas for A Koopa’s Revenge 3. Last time we discussed a system of combining powerups. Today I’m presenting an alternate idea for powerups.

Unlike AKR2 which used player-character skins, in AKR3 each playable character will have slightly different physics and abilities, making them distinct from one another. For instance, Shy Guy will have low traction and higher jumps, like Luigi. I’m going to extend these differences to how each powerup affects each character.

Click through to see more about this idea.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

AKR3 Idea Blog #1: Combining Powerups

Welcome to a new series wherein I discuss and detail ideas for the upcoming A Koopa’s Revenge 3. First I’ll be talking about an idea I’m probably not going to use but I think is interesting anyway: combining of powerups.

The idea is pretty simple, at least as an idea. You take powerup A and combine it with powerup B to create powerup AB a la Kirby 64. powerup AB would combine the aspects of both powerups into one super powerup.

Click throught for more about this idea.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Music Playlist

I’ve received requests for a playlist of A Koopa’s Revenge 2’s music. But I haven’t because I won’t upload other people’s content to youtube, and even if all the music is on there uploaded by the original authors finding it all would be a huge task. But it turns out Newgrounds does playlists now, so here it is:

Link to A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Music Playlist on Newgrounds

I’ll probably add an icon later. Somebody remind me.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of activity lately. I got a little burned out.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

2000 Subscribers! Screw Attack Reveal!

Lambta.co Games has reached 2000 subscribers! In celebration, I present the first location of the Screw Attack in AKR2.

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog

A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Goomba Powerups Video

I’ve had a few requests for powerups videos for the other playable characters, so here’s Goomba’s powerup video. I didn’t include the secret permanent powerups, or the starman, because they don’t really have the same aesthetic changes as the standard powerups. See them in Koopa’s video.

Shy Guy’s video comes out next Lambta.co Tuesday!

Posted by Malinbo in Games Blog