New Logo for Lambtaco

Today, I proudly present Lambtaco’s new and improved logo:

I wanted a simpler logo that’s easier to recognise at smaller sizes. So after some work and input from others, I produced this beauty. It’s still both a lamb and a taco, but in a more symmetrical and simple form that works at any size. I also went for a cuter appeal.

On a related note, you may also have noticed I removed the dot from I did this for a couple of reasons. First: Some people, particularly those for whom English is not their primary language, misinterpret our name as Lambta. And Secondly: It will be better for SEO in the long run to go with a simpler name. We had this idea that having the name be the url would make it memorable, but it didn’t work out that way.

It’s going to take some time to change all the necessary Lambta.cos to Lambtacos. But feel free to let me know if I miss some.

This should be the last major branding work I do for a while. I really want to focus on actually making things rather than promoting them. They say you should work with what you got, and taking that to heart I’m going to work on more games and cartoons and such, instead of spending so much of my time trying to optimise everything.

That’s all, folks.