Almost ten years ago I briefly published a webcomic called We Are Not Role Models, or WANRM for short. It was an odd couple roommate thing, as was the style at the time.

Anyway, I’m moving that comic from it’s current location in a subdirectory of to the Art Portal on Newgrounds. (Potentially NSFW link. NG filters out the adults-only stuff automatically, but uploaders aren’t always accurate at rating their work.) I’ve separated it into arcs because posting all 70 comics individually feels spammy, and the Art Portal only allows 11 total images in each post.
We Are Not Role Models Arc 1 on Newgrounds
Now, in the unlikely event you’ve both heard of WANRM and read it, I have good news: There is new content. So to speak. I’ve amended each post with commentary. Little write-ups on what inspired the comic, and how I feel about it now. That sort of thing.
Website Changes
You may be asking, why now? Well, I’m moving the comic because I’m in the process of converting this website into a blog, and moving our content onto bigger platforms. I’m doing this because maintaining the site as it is takes time away from creating actual content. Making separate thumbnails for each site I post to, and doing all the tags and descriptions doesn’t sound like much work, but it really adds up, especially when I want to change something.
In addition to that, the site itself has accumulated a lot of wear and tear over the years. I’ve said it before, but the backend of is a barely functional mess. Keeping it running takes time I could be spending making stuff, and I’m afraid to make any changes because I might just break something.
Another reason I’m making this change is the long impending “Death of Flash”. Without embedded Flash games, there really isn’t much draw to itself. And I don’t see any reason to keep content here if I can’t keep all of it here. Our videos are just as enjoyable on Youtube; maybe moreso.
More about the “Death of Flash” and how that doesn’t mean you can’t play Flash games anymore in a future post.