Farewell to The Dirty Frenchman

It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve decided to remove The Dirty Frenchman cartoons, both from here and from Youtube. I’m doing this for a number of reasons:

  1. It takes Lambtaco from a NC17 down to a more accessible PG13 with extra F-bombs.
  2. The website and youtube channel are now more advertiser friendly. If I ever try to make some real money off this, not having the Frenchman around will really help out.
  3. The first episode was pretty crappy. It’s pretty much the worst animation on the site. I can’t leave up part two without part one.

We made these cartoons when we were teenagers, and for an internet that was in it’s wild West days. Unfortunately that shit doesn’t really fly any more.

That said, both cartoons should remain on Newgrounds in all their HD Glory for the foreseeable future.