I released AKR2 on NG as promised. This version has medals, so if you’ve got an NG account, head over there to play with medals. And why not vote 5 while you’re there?
Apologies for the Down Time
I was altering some things. I don’t want to give any details, but if it happens again it won’t last long because I know how to fix it now.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 in 30 minutes or less
It’s coming. The culmination of years off work. AKR2 hits the public internets in just half an hour. Let’s all celebrate by playing the crap out of it.
Right here on Lambta.co, AKR2 arrives at 12:00am Pacific Standard Time.
Comedy Sketches Playlist Start/End Times Trimmed
Just a bit of what I call housework, tidying up the youtube channels. I edited the start and end times of our comedy sketches playlist to cut out the endcards, because hey, if you’re already watching playlist, yo don’t need to be directed to other videos. I’m amazed at how many people don’t do this, even big time youtube channels with 30 second endcards. Also rearranged the to put the “better” ones earlier as youtube suggests.
Anyhoo, here she is. Give her a watch if you’ve got the time.
A Koopa’s Revenge 2 Crazy Kill Combo Video
Just uploaded a brief bit of gameplay for A Koopa’s Revenge 2. The game comes out on this site in less than two days.
Lambta.co Launches Now!
After many weeks of site building I am proud to present the almost complete Lambta.co worbsite! So give it a check out!
All future content will be released here and not on MCSM Studios. Starting with A Koopa’s Revenge 2 next Tuesday, as our first Lambta.co Tuesday offering. And then every other Tuesday after that we’ll be releasing new content. We’ll also more frequently be releasing updates and smaller pieces of content, which is now fast and easy thanks to our new more blag-like format. We’ve got a new facebook like page, and a Twitter account I’m still figuring out what exactly I’m going to do with. Check them out on the sidebar to the right.