I’ve decided to start Twitch streaming. Nothing serious. Just something to do that’s somewhat creative and doesn’t require tons of prep or post work. Linky:
Lambtaco Twitch Page
I already did a impromptu practice stream the other day (catch the VoD on Twitch while you can, though it’s not great) but mainly I plan to stream with a friend, Ben, who you may recognise from the Lambtaco Comedy YouTube channel. Our first stream will be on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on your time zone. More specifically it’s 4:00 UTC 13 October. Sorry if that’s an odd time, but it’s tough to get two adults schedules to coordinate.

We’ll be playing two SNES games: The Peacekeepers, a bonkers beat-em-up, and Kirby’s Dreamland 3, which needs no introduction. Hope to see y’all there.
If this Twitch thing goes well at all, I’ll probably start uploading the VoDs on a new Youtube channel. Maybe called something like Lambtaco Plays.
A link to the Twitch channel will be added to the main page some time (hopefully) soon. I think I still need to add the itch.io link too.