Welcome to Lambtaco!

We create games, cartoons, live-action sketch comedy, and more. This site is mostly a development blog for Malinbo, the primary figure behind Lambtaco, and a place to download our games. We keep most of our content elsewhere. Follow one of the conveniently colour-coded links below to see what we got.

Youtube is the primary home of Lambtaco’s comedy division, where all out cartoons and sketches go. Lambtaco Games also has a channel where we post gameplay and update videos.

Our games are available on Newgrounds, but if you want to download a copy to keep, we’re cool with that. For Flash games, we recommend you use the Newgrounds Player.

We’ve offloaded most of our content management to larger platforms, but lambta.co is still home to the Malinbo’s official Lambtaco Blog. Where you can find updates on developing games and upcoming videos.

Follow Malinbo on Twitter for bite-sized updates about future games and videos. I also like to tweet some jokes and observations, and complain about Youtube. You know, Twitter stuff.

Newgrounds, where it all began. Your one stop shop for Lambtaco content. Featuring all our games and cartoons (even some old ones not available elsewhere) and sometimes mirrored blog posts.

Join the Lambtaco Games Discord server to talk about all things A Koopa’s Revenge and more. I sometimes conduct impromptu polls there, and frequently post little bits of whatever I’m working on. It’s also the fastest way to get in direct contact with me.