Disclaimer by Chris Sorensen
MCSM Studios

All content provided on www.mcsmstudios.com is expressly in the interest of humour and some may be offensive to some. So we ask that all ideas, opinions and situations be taken as such. For the most part they are strictly works of fiction with the express intention of humour. We ask that you view set content with an open mind. The opinions expressed on this website may not be shared by you and may not even be shared by mcsm staff members, but are presented so as to induce laughter and/or thought. The Dirty Frenchman isn't real and is strictly fictional with no basis on an actual person or other fictional character. As are many of the characters or character attributes. As this is strictly fictional content we ask that you please don’t sue. We also ask that you view all of our content before deciding you completely despise us we try to vary the humour as much as possible. Staff of MCSM Studios cannot be held responsible for the actions of Mike. Also, evolution is BS we all know it be honest. Don’t you just love penises I know I do, but we must sacrifice one before the next full moon or else Steve will have to have sexual relations with a goat. Cow patties make a good pie bet you didn’t know that well now you do try it with some Kahlua and you are set. This disclaimer is of course void in Rand McNally. Please don’t sue Rand McNally I am just a poor naked migrant worker no money here. Much of this disclaimer is fictitious we are not as insane as you may be led to believe. Hemosexogloobaxicyl?



Copyright Matthew Boehler 2006-2011